Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Family Pics!

Look at this darling little girl and her beautiful mother!  It was so much fun
taking their pictures. This little girl is so sweet! I got some darling pictures.
Below are some of my favorites. Be sure to check out my
Facebook page for some of the others!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Family Pics!

I am loving the fall colors out there!
I had a great shoot with the darling little family below.
They were so much fun spending time with and we got so many cute pictures
that I had a hard time choosing which ones to post!
To see more of them, check out my Facebook page.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Family Pics!

It is the time of year to get family pictures with all the great colors of fall!
We got some great shots during the shoot of this little family. It was still warm enough
outside so that it wasn't uncomfortable at all!  The oldest little girl was all smiles and ready
to take pictures!

The younger little girl wasn't so anxious...
She didn't like how loud all the birds were!

I kept pretending to sneeze in the shot below.  It made the youngest little girl
stop and look at me, but her mother couldn't stop laughing!

They brought grandma or "Nanny" along for some shots too!

Be sure to check out Facebook for more poses!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Birth Stories

I have some great shots of birth stories that are a little sensitive.  They are of actual births as well as the tender moments between the parents and family members of the new babies. If you are interested in having a birth story of your own done, or would like to see a sample, please email me for more information.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Birth Stories

I had the unique opportunity to be in on a delivery of a couple who was blessed with a
healthy baby girl!  After years of trying, they finally got their second child.
Their five year old little boy saved his money and bought his new baby sister a 
ladybug pillow pet!  It was ready and waiting for her arrival.

Grandma and Grandpa and Older Brother were all there for her arrival.
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Birth Stories

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